Bratteli diagram

In mathematics, a Bratteli diagram is a graph composed of vertices having positive integer 'level's and unoriented edges between vertices having levels differing by one. It is used in operator algebra to describe directed sequences of finite dimensional algebras. The notion was introduced by Ola Bratteli[1] in 1972, and played an important role in Elliott's classification of AF-algebras and the theory of subfactors.


A Bratteli diagram is given by the following objects:

A customary way to pictorially represent Bratteli diagrams is to align the vertices according to their levels, and put the number bv beside the vertex v, or use that number in place of v, as in

1 = 2 − 3 − 4 ...
\ 1 ∠ 1 ∠ 1 ... .

An Ordered Bratteli diagram is a Bratteli diagram together with a partial order on En such that for any v ∈ Vn the set { e ∈ En-1 : r(e)=v } is totally ordered. Edges that do not share a common range vertex are incomparable. This partial order allows us to define the set of all maximal edges Emax and the set of all minimal edges Emin. A Bratteli diagram with a unique infinitely long path in Emax and Emin is called essentially simple. [2]

Sequence of finite-dimensional algebras

Any semisimple algebra over the complex numbers C of finite dimension can be expressed as a direct sumk Mnk(C) of matrix algebras, and the C-algebra homomorphisms between two such algebras up to inner automorphisms on both sides are completely determined by the multiplicity number between 'matrix algebra' components. Thus, an injective homomorphism of ⊕k=1i Mnk(C) into ⊕l=1j Mml(C) may be represented by a collection of numbers ak, l satisfying ∑ nk ak, l ≤ ml (the equality holds if and only if the homomorphism is unital). This can be illustrated as a bipartite graph having the vertices marked by numbers (nk)k on one hand and the ones marked by (ml)l on the other hand, and having akl edges between the vertex nk and the vertex ml.

Thus, when we have a sequence of finite-dimensional semisimple algebras An and injective homomorphisms φn : An' → An+1: between them, we obtain a Bratteli diagram by putting

Vn = the set of simple components of An

(each isomorphic to a matrix algebra), marked by the size of matrices.

(En, r, s): the number of the edges between Mnk(C) ⊂ An and Mml(C) ⊂ An+1 is equal to the multiplicity of Mnk(C) into Mml(C) under φn.


  1. ^ Bratteli, Ola; Inductive limits of finite dimensional C*-algebras. Trans. Amer. Math. Soc. 171 (1972), 195–234.
  2. ^ Herman, Richard H. and Putnam, Ian F. and Skau, Christian F.Ordered Bratteli diagrams, dimension groups and topological dynamics. International Journal of Mathematics, volume 3, number 6. 1992, pp. 827-864.
  • K. Davidson; C*-algebras by example
  • Mikael Rørdam, Flemming Larsen, Niels Laustsen; An introduction to K-theory for C*-algebras‎